· Fundraising  · 2 min read

Keep Cloud Huxley Healthy and Writing Code

I have been humbled in consideration of creating a GoFundMe campaign to help fund my medical expenses, but doing nothing is not going solve anything, either.

I have been humbled in consideration of creating a GoFundMe campaign to help fund my medical expenses, but doing nothing is not going solve anything, either.

Keep Cloud Huxley Healthy and Writing Code

My name is Cloud Huxley. I’m 39 years old, and I’ve been an aspiring web developer for a long time. I work in the community, at a deli counter within a lovely health food store, during the day and write code in the evening, often in the forms of projects for self-education purposes.

I’ve been slowly getting crushed by debt, and as a result, I’ve fallen behind on my health insurance payments & I’m in need of a cancer screening. It’s not exorbitant, and I’m searching for additional income to correct the bigger financial/credit problems I’m up against. I’ve been rationing my medicine, but I’m almost out. I need to make a payment to start my new health insurance, and I thought I had it covered, but two months have gone by and I’ve been unable to make the basic payments. I’m asking for only enough help to keep my medicine in supply, and I’m only asking it from people who can afford to give something right now. I know times are tough for a lot of people, but not asking my friends and community when my mental and physical health are on the line doesn’t feel like an option, either.

You may donate through the Donation link at the bottom of this page or through the GoFundMe campaign to help me keep my healthy and writing code.

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